Mrs. Cassidy’s Classroom: Media Literate 6-year-olds

I have recently become a fan of Kathy Cassidy. She is a blogger and “teacher of a class of six-year-olds in Moose Jaw, Canada who are inviting the world into their classroom to help them learn.” What Kathy means by this is that she is working on developing her students media literacy alongside their numeracy and literacy.

This speaks volumes since I co-authored book last year called Adproofing You Kids and am an advocate that children need to develop the skills to evaluate information and be taught to consider their interaction with it.

Kathy has a blog that is shared by all her students. They engage in activities that include writing and posting to their own blog, but also developing a host of media literacy skills away from the computer.

I can’t help but think these kids are on their way to great things. I mean if you understand that you should only make positive or constructive comments on a blog post at age 6, what will you be thinking about when you are 21? So, GeekMoms and GeekDads continue to join Kathy and develop media literacy in our children and in the future the YouTube comment stream will be a hive of new ideas and grand thoughts.

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