GeekDad Named Best Parenting Blog of 2009 by PostRank!

Screen shot from PostRank.

Screen shot from PostRank.

This came somewhat out of left field for us, but it appears someone has been paying attention to what we’ve been doing! Web analytic company PostRank has an algorithm by which they rank website engagement - some kind of special sauce that tracks how popular and relevant a site is by how many links, comments, and social media notices it gets. They revealed their top sites for 2009 in a whole bunch of categories yesterday, and GeekDad did amazingly well, including top honors for Parenting, Dads and Kids, and a fantastic top-10 finish in the extremely competitive Geeks category (behind Slashdot and io9, but ahead of BoingBoing Gadgets and even the Wired Culture feed!).

This is a wonder little bit of validation for all of us at GeekDad - we work hard to blog about the things we love (our kids, science, geek culture), and to have it recognized in this very technically-specific way is very cool. But our thanks really goes out to you, our readers, who stop by every day to see what we’re doing. You people are the awesomest on the web!

See GeekDad’s overall results on the PageRank 2009 Top Sites report.

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