Wish Your Geek Mate a Happy Valentine’s Day

Geek Love

Geek Love

While some may argue that Valentine’s Day is nothing more than an excuse to support the greeting card and floral industries, I really thing it’s a great idea to have a day set aside for making sure you take a breath from the day-to-day routine and acknowledge the feelings that made you a geek parent in the first place.

Hopefully those feelings include love. They do for me.

I happen to be lucky enough to be married to another geek, which means she gets a lot of the same things I do. I wouldn’t be the person, and especially neither the geek or the dad I am, if it weren’t for my wonderful wife Robin. I love you!

I’d like to welcome the other GeekDads, and any of our readers who want to, to leave messages in the comments for the geek loves in your life on this special day.

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