Tales2Go: Great Stories, on an Okay App

Tales2Go is an an app that delivers stories for your children straight to your phone. Nothing extraordinarily new about that, and the company knows it. They are pitching to the crowded app store market that this is quicker and easier than downloading and syncing stories via podcast or audio file. They are promoting the delivery system, but it is the content that most appeals.

What they should be doing is highlighting the select storytellers they have. They have got some great voices to go with their 900+ collection of stories. They have storytellers like Odds Bodkin, Len Cabral and and Dianne Ferlatte. These are great voices and people who really know how to make a story come to life, which is always my issue with audio books for kids. Too often the reading leaves a lot to be desired.

For geeks the collection includes a few interesting titles - Alice in Wonderland for older ones, Dinosaurs Never Say Please for younger ones and a heap of fables, mythology and generally texts out of copyright.

The issue is will you get your money worth for a $24.99 annual subscription and how often will new stories be added? Well, you are welcome to sign up to a 30 day trial and find out for yourself .

Wired: A great collection of good quality story tellers.
Tired: Is this really easier than syncing audio books? Surely the value here is the content, not the delivery mechanism…

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