GeekDad Puzzle Of The Week: Hafling’s and Whole Pints

Image by Hill via Wikimedia Commons

Image by Hill via Wikimedia Commons

It’s closing time at the Prancing Pony and the inn keeper is trying to get his last two customers to go home. Merry and Pippin refuse to go without one last drink. If they weren’t such good friends of Gandalf they would be out on their little hobbit butts. To avoid any trouble the inn keeper gets them to agree to take their drinks to go. The hobbits each pay for two pints to go.

When the inn keeper looks he finds out he has a bit of a problem. He only has two containers to give them to go. He also is down to two full kegs of ale. How is he going to give each of them two pints when all he has is:

  • A 4 pint conatiner
  • A 5 pint container
  • 2 kegs with 40 Pints of ale in each one

Send your solutions to Geekdad Puzzle Central. If your answers is right not only will you be helping a very tired inn keeper, you will have a chance at winning a $50.00 ThinkGeek gift certificate. They have cool Lord Of The Rings stuff too.

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