Best of the Geek Decade – Music

They Might Be Giants truly are to our kids.

They Might Be Giants truly are to our kids.

And last, but not least, the tunes our kids like - wonderfully out of the mainstream, and very geeky!

Best Music:

They Might Be Giants (Brian & Brian’s Son, Jenny’s entire family) Yes, they’ve been around for years. But their kid stuff is relatively new. And now the kids understand when you chant “Particle man, particle man” at them.

Kimya Dawson - Alphabutt (Tony’s kids) What kid could resist that title?

Phineas & Ferb soundtrack (Z’s kids) Companion to the popular show.

Brian Vogan’s Little Songs (Z’s kids) For younger kids who want to dance around.

Laurie Berkner albums Under a Shady Tree and Rocketship Run (Jenny’s kids, age 8 and 5) Good, whimsical fun for kids and parents.

Dan Zanes (2 Yo loves Fine Friends are Here)

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