“No, I Don’t Have a Landing Permit” – The SARLACC Charity Pin

The first SARLACC charity pin

The first SARLACC charity pin

Looking for a stocking stuffer? SARLACC, the Seattle ARea Lucasfilm Artifact Collectors Club, has commissioned a limited-edition cloissoné lapel pin. In addition to the clever shoutout to The Empire Strikes Back, proceeds from the pin go to support Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. And because their entire operating expenses have already been covered, 100% of any remaining orders will go to the FHCRC.

The pin has been officially approved by LucasFilm Ltd. and the Seattle Space Needle, and comes with an individually-numbered card featuring Cloud City’s landing platform. It starts at $10, though you can also top-up your donation right there on the PayPal form.

You can order the pin here, find out more information on SARLACC’s blog, or see more images here.

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